Many people use clock at their website, so i have posted this article with sample code to create clock in html page.
You can use following example to create clock and print button n HTML page.
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>Create Clock and Print Button</title> <script type="text/javascript"> //This is done only to make the below JavaScript code compatible to XHTML. <![CDATA[ var timerID = null var RunningTimer = false function stopclock(){ if(RunningTimer) RunningTimer = false } function startclock(){ stopclock() timerID = setInterval("showtime()",1) RunningTimer = true } function showtime(){ var now = new Date() var hours = now.getHours() var minutes = now.getMinutes() var seconds = now.getSeconds() var mseconds = now.getMilliseconds() var timeValue = "" + ((hours > 12) ? hours - 12 : hours) timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes timeValue += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds timeValue += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + mseconds timeampm = (hours >= 12) ? " P.M." : " A.M." document.clock.faceforclock.value = timeValue document.clock.faceforAMPM.value = timeampm } //]]> </script> </head> <body onload="startclock()"> <h3>Clock and Print Button</h3> <form name="clock" action="#"> <input type ="text" name="faceforclock" size="10" value ="" /> <input type="text" name="faceforAMPM" size="5" value ="" /> <form> <input onclick="window.print();return false;" type="button" value="Print" /> </form> </form> </body> </html>
When you run the above code following result will display.
You can try this editor ( to check the above code.