As we know that Google page rank and Alexa rank decides our website popularity on the web. So you can say it is mandatory to install Alexa widget to your website to make it popular and increase Alexa ranking in the world.
When you install Alexa widget to your website, It counts every visit to your website like Alexa Toolbar and help you to boost/increase Alexa Ranking.
I will suggest before creating Alexa Widget, first register a login into Alexa website and then follow below mentioned steps.
You can install Alexa widget from following link by just entering your website link and click on Build Widget button like this:
The above link is dead.
It will create some scripts with different button, Vertical Banner and Banner like here.
You can put Alexa widget in three ways as shown in above figure.
It will show only global rank here, it will not show your current country rank as it doesn’t show my INDIA rankings but you can see from here.
You can install these Alexa widgets to sidebar or footer by adding the scripts.
These tips to add Alexa Widgets on site are very useful for beginners.
Hi,thanks a lot for this post, but I am not able to copy paste the html for installing alexa widget for my blog. Please guide.
Just copy the URL address and paste it in your browser… You are done..
I copied the link and paste in my browser and it says “Page not found” 🙁
The link is dead, so i have updated the link.