I was getting ORA-12528:TNS:listener error while connecting with my Oracle XE 11g database.
SQL> conn sys/sys@xe as sysdba
It gives an error message ORA-12528: TNS listener- all appropriate instances are blocking new connections.
Just follow the steps to resolve ORA-12528:TNS:listener issue.
XE =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
I changed above TNS details to below mentioned details. Here I added (UR=A) in the below TNS.
XE =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
(UR = A)
Now restart the service and try to connect with your database.
C:\lsnrctl reload
The command completed successfully
SQL> conn sys/sys@xe as sysdba
If it shows ORA-12541: TNS no listener then click on ORA-12541 to resolve the issue.
Note: The (UR=A) allow privileged or administrative users to connect via listener even when the service handler is blocking new connections.
It works…
It is really worthful information after all the efforts, I succeeded by adding (UR=A)in TNSNAMES.ora file..
Thanks a lot Admin…
You are welcome. Keep reading other informative articles too.