How to Hide Partitions and Hard Drives in Windows XP

If you have given access of your system to someone else and you don’t want him/her to access your important data which is kept in your drives.

You can hide partitions and hard drives of your personal computer but it’s not a foolproof method but still you can use it.

There are many more methods are available like folder or drive locking software.

Now suppose you want to hide partitions (one or many) of your computer then follow the steps.

START > RUN> Type CMD and press Enter to start command prompt.

Now type “Diskpart” on command prompt and hit enter. It is a built-in disk partitioning program in windows.

Now best way is to see the drive and its partitions first. To check disk drive in your hard disk type “list disk” and press enter. It will show you how many drives are installed in your computer.

Now check partitions/volumes in your hard drive. To check the volumes type “list volume” and press Enter button. It will show you list of volumes available in the drive.

hide partitions and hard drives

Now suppose you want to hide Volume 1 from your computer then you have to follow below steps.

hide partitions and hard drives

  1. First select the volume which you want to hide by “select volume 1” command.
  2. Now enter “remove letter G” command to hide partition. Your partition will hide from the list.

hide partitions and hard drives

Here you can see your partition/drive is hide.

hide partitions and hard drives

If you want to unhide the partition or drive enter “assign letter G” command.

hide partitions and hard drives

Here you can see how your hide partition/drive is showing in my computer.

hide partitions and hard drives

You can see in below screenshot, * is marked in front of G drive. You don’t have to worry about it.  It will invisible when you exit from this session like below.

hide partitions and hard drives

Note: First assure its working with no data loss in dummy system before implementing it to your production/home system. It’s working without any data loss in my system.

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I hope it will help you to hide partitions and drive of your system.

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