Communication matters a lot in any business field. Customers are always in need of a service or product and the only thing merchants need to do is to ensure that consumers can get in touch with them as immediately as the need arises. When it comes to instant communication, the medium that pops up in our mind is telephone, but what type of telephone number should you use? Normal land-line, toll-free numbers or virtual local numbers?
Some may vote for the toll-free numbers, but if your shops/offices are based in different states of the same country or if you have just one shop/office in entire country, it is wise to invest in a virtual local number. Virtual local numbers are different from toll-free numbers because they help you present your business to the interstate clients with a number that is local to them.
Let me explain how a virtual local number works. Suppose you have only one office in Sydney (code-02) and your phone number is 02 1234 5678. Now, when someone visits your site from Brisbane (code-07), you display him the number 07 1234 5678. He considers it as local number and gives local call charges for contacting your business, but without his knowledge, the call gets routed to your Sydney office or to be precise, 02 1234 567 number.
You can enjoy several benefits by buying a virtual local number for your business.
1) Local presence:
Research shows that people like to deal with local businesses because they feel that a local company is more accessible, approachable and the chances of fraud is less than overseas conglomerates. Using a virtual local number you can create the impression of a “local business” and earn consumers trust easily. You can have several local numbers for different states in your country and forward all the calls to the main number. This way, people calling from every state will consider your company as “local” and you will be able to attract interstate customers.
2) Customers don’t give much:
No matter from which state the clients call you, they have to give only the local call charges. This is a great benefit from the callers’ perspective. As they don’t have to give any STD charges, clients talk with your executives for a longer period of time and thus, conversion rate increases significantly.
3) Track the effectiveness of your marketing campaign:
When you start a nationwide campaign, you can display different local numbers across different cities. People see those numbers in billboards, web banner ads and newspapers. As all the local numbers are connected to one virtual local number, you can easily track the cities that are bringing the most number of customers and also the cities where the ad campaign is not generating any buzz. Based on the data, you can create a new strategy for your marketing campaign and attract clients from “non-performing” cities as well.
4) Separate number for important employees:
The virtual local numbers have extensions as well and by dialing the extension number, clients can get in touch with important people in your company. For example, the manager, marketing head and accounting department head can have personal extension numbers. Normal customers may not call these people, but B2B clients generally like to get in touch with decision makers, not the customer care team, and the extension numbers give them a direct access.
5) One number for voice+fax:
When you invest in a local virtual number, you get one number that can be used for phone call as well as fax. So, in your marketing materials, you can display the number as “call+fax” and you will never miss a phone call or fax from the target audience. The best thing is that callers never hear a busy signal when they call you; even if you are receiving a fax at the same moment.
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So, as you can see, there are so many benefits of a virtual local number. There are some reputed virtual local number providers all over the world. If you want to purchase a local number from any one of them, search on Google to know the rates they offer. Make sure that you buy the number from a reliable service provider to maintain seamless communication with the target audience.