In this article, we have published how to flip your Desktop Screen with Keyboard Shortcuts.
Sometimes your desktop screen flips with some keys of your keyboard and you don’t know how to correct it. Just remember these shortcuts and you will be able to normal your display screen. If it works for you, share this trick with someone else. Don’t forget to show them how to flip it back.
Press CTRL + ALT + UP Arrow key – You screen will look like below snapshot.
Now Press CTRL + ALT + Right Arrow key – You screen will look like below snapshot.
Then press CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow key – You screen will look like below snapshot.
Finally press CTRL + ALT + Down Arrow key – You screen will look like below snapshot.
If your display screen rotates something like above, you may choose above shortcut i.e. CTRL + ALT + UP Arrow key to normal your screen display.