“Guest posting” means writing 100% original unique article and publishing it on someone else’s website and you can say accepting articles from other bloggers to publish for free on your blog or website is a Guest Posting.
When you write an article and publish it on someone else’s website you get a do follow backlinks and a huge traffic to your blog or website that’s why I am offering guest posting on my own website (IT Blogger Tips).
You can write a Guest Post on following topics:
- Blogging Tips and Tricks
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tips
- Traffic tips
- Make Money Online
- Social Media
- Web Design (HTML/CSS/JQuery)
- SQL & PL/SQL Tips
- Oracle DBA Tips
- Linux/Unix
- Windows Troubleshooting
- Latest Technology
- How To’s
Follow some rules before guest posting on above topics:
- Your content should be 100% original and unique.
- Article should be more than 350+ words with at least one original image.
- Check your grammatical mistakes before sending your article to us.
Write an article in Microsoft Word document and send it to the following e-mail addresses:
E-mail To: itbloggertips@gmail.com, admin@itbloggertips.com
Send us below information too as it will help us to post your article on your name:
Your Name:
E-Mail Address:
Your Web Site Name:
Your article will be published within 1-2 days after reviewing the same.
Disclaimer: Articles posted on this blog can be removed any time with out any intimation, if found any discrepancy/policy violation. Send us unique and original article.
IT Blogger Tips