How to Add Submit to Reddit Button in Blogger or Website

Boost Traffic to Reddit

Every blogger wants to get huge visitors to the blog or website.

How other bloggers get huge visitors to the blog?

There are so many ways to get huge visitors to the blog like by writing 100% unique awesome articles, by commenting to other websites, by posting articles to social bookmarking sites, by joining forums and answering questions at question/answers websites.

Today social networking and social bookmarking website are most popular websites for blogger where every blogger share their articles to get huge visitors and quality Backlinks to the blog or website.

You must add social media sharing buttons like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ to your blog.

In this article I am sharing one more social bookmarking button “Submit to Reddit” that will help you to promote your article on reddit too.

How To Add Submit to Reddit Button in Blogger or Website?

There are so many types of “Submit to Reddit” button available which will help your visitors to submit, upvote and downvote your articles on reddit.

The reddit buttons categorized in following categories:

1. Commonly used buttons

2. Buttons with points

3. Simple interactive buttons

4. More interactive buttons

5. More badges and buttons

6. More badges and big buttons

7. Interactive button with advanced settings

Boost Traffic to Reddit


Visit Reddit Buttons ( page


You will get all the above buttons on this page. Just select any button and click on “View Code”.


Now copy the code and paste it in Notepad. I have implemented the code below in WordPress blog too.


To make this button:

Use this code:

<script type="text/javascript">
reddit_url = "";
reddit_title = "How to Add Submit to Reddit Button in Blogger or Website";
reddit_bgcolor = "FF3";
reddit_bordercolor = "00F";
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Go to Blogger Dashboard >Select Template option > Take Backup your Template


Click on Edit HTML option


Find <div class=’post-footer’> code and paste your code just below this code.


Click on “Save Template” button to save the template.

You have successfully added Submit to Reddit button to your blog. It will appear below every article in your blog.

Don’t forget to share if you liked this post. It will take only 5 Secs.

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